End the Evil

"There is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats!"
--Kenneth Grahame, The Wind in the Willows

Today is Friday, March 14, 2025, in London.

"If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.
If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral,
the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality."
--Archbishop Desmond Tutu

Information about Ukraine around the net

If you find errors on this page or have suggestions of things to add, please contact Camden McAndrews in Second Life.

19 Sep 2024: In 2022, the Ukraine Official Web Site gave way to just the war. Today I discovered that the whole site is back, with a lot of background information about this beautiful and fascinating country.
Ukraine Official Web Site
Ukraine Official Site about the War

YouTube Ukraine in English

YouTube in Ukrainian

Ukrainian Language

Ukrainian Music

Artur Rehi Estonian Soldier
Denys Davidov Ukrainian airline pilot
INSIDE RUSSIA Konstantin Samoilov, the Unusual Russian
  Russian expat now living in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
INSIDE RUSSIA Patreon Channel
  YouTube demonitized all Russians who criticize Putin, including Konstantin, so here we are.
Reporting from Ukraine
  Daily summaries from a Ukrainian perspective
  Short segments about specific incidents from an Englishman.
TVP World Polish television
  While mostly reliable, TVP World is under autocratic control of the Donald Tusk administration in Poland, which in the past has all too often cozied up to the Kremlin.
UATV English
Yevhen Karas (Євген Карась)
  Commentary in English from a Ukrainian soldier.

April 23, 2024: After his show on TVP was shut down by Prime Minister Donald Tusks's thugs, Rock Rackon is back on YouTube on his own channel!

RockRachon YouTube Channel
Broadcasting in Poland via Telewizja Republika.

Telewizja Republika The primary language for Telewizja Republika is Polish; however, you can watch Rock Rachon in Engish, and all of the content allows for using Google's auto-translate feature. (See the notes about Auto Translate at the very bottom of this web page.)

Rock Rachon
Rock Rachon on Substack, Michał Rachoń

After Poland's Prime Minister Donald Tusk ordered the criminal shutdown of TVP World news and removal the "Reset" series from the net (including from YouTube), Michał Rachoń opened a subscription channel on substack. You can still support the voice of freedom here, despite Poland's relapse into totalitarian thuggery.

"Poland has seen a drastic violation of the law and the constitution over the last six months" said Andrzej Duda, President of Poland, July 15, 2024

TVP World Series, Michał Rachoń

“Reset” – The documentary, by Michał Rachoń and Sławomir Cenckiewicz, presents unknown documents and information on the Polish-Russian relations reset from 2007-2015.

10,000 analyzed documents from public archives from Poland and abroad, recordings and photos that have never been published before, interviews with those involved in the process of building a “new philosophy” of relations with the Russian Federation under Vladimir Putin – “Reset” refers to documents and decisions of politicians ruling Poland at the time, shows relations with the Russian Federation in the years before Russia’s attack on Ukraine.

Poland joined NATO on March 12, 1999.

    “RESET with Russia” Docuseries Playlist

On orders from the Donald Tusk administration, the series "Reset" has been removed from the online platform of Telewizja Polska. Michał Rachoń's documentary disappeared a few hours after the new authorities enter the station's headquarters on December 19, 2023.

The series has also been censored on YouTube.

It appears that the thuggery and complicity with Putin's criminal regime that Poland fought so hard against has returned with full force.

    How to understand the “RESET with Russia” docuseries June 22, 2023
    Reset Episode 1 - The Beginning July 11, 2023
    Reset Episode 2 - A Trip to Moscow July 12, 2023

    Reset Episode 3 - Documents from Washington July 21, 2023
    Reset Episode 4 - Bucharest – Road To War July 22, 2023
    Reset Episode 5 - Bucharest – Ciphertext from Moscow July 24, 2023

    Reset Episode 6 - Westerplatte: From Lisbon to Vladivostok July 25, 2023
    Reset Episode 7 - Season One summary August 7, 2023

Click image to enlarge.

    Reset Episode 8 - Marching to Putin's Drum September 14, 2023
    Reset Episode 9 - Smolensk - evidence given up September 15, 2023

I believe there are four more episodes in this series. Michal Rachon said recently on "Rock Rachon" that they are still working on it. Stay tuned.

Freedom Live
State Border Service of Ukraine
5 Channel (5 канал) Ukrainian language

Servant of the People | Premiere 2015
    TV series starring Volodymyr Zelenskyy as Vasiliy Petrovich Goloborodko, president of Ukraine. Subtitles in English.
    See below for links to the espisodes, in order, and for notes about what to do about missing English Subtitles.
    Servant of the People in IMDB

Anatomy of Ruscism | Documentary cycle «The Last War» | Episode one
Psychopathic aggression has been the keystone of Muscovite identity for centuries.

Ukrainians aren’t Russians
The differences between the two nations go deep into the fundamentals of human psyche.

"No one is safe" - Russians speaking up against Putin's regime BBC World Service

Ukraine news and videos

Anton Gerashchenko on Twitter Official enemy of Russian propaganda

Apostrophe Ukrainian newspaper (link to English translation)
Strong emphasis on bad news.  
Apostrophe in Ukrainian langauge

The Breakfast Show Ukrainian morning talk show, in Russian
    Alexandr Plushev Channel for the Breakfast Show in Russian
    For English subtitles, Turn on Closed Captions [CC], and then Settings > Translate Russian to English.

The Sun UK Tabloid
Petunias are often found growing in the onion patch.

Ukrainian Freedom News Joe Lindsley

Ukrainian National News
Leftist US political bias, Russian-leaning, with an undercurrent of propaganda that favors corrupt regimes in Ukraine, the US, and Russia. Strong, almost celebratory emphasis on Russia's ability to inflict misery on Ukrainians. Nevertheless, an informative news site when those factors are taken into account.

Other News Sources

British Forces Broadcast Service ("Forces News" Commercial channel)
    BFBS YouTube Channel

Deep State Map
Institute for the Study of War Ukraine Project

Michał Rachoń on Facebook
    Host for Rock Rachon on TVP World.

Moscow Times Russian Journalists in Exile

The Mriya Report 24-hour talk radio

Oryx database of destroyed Russian Equipment Losses confirmed with photos only

Radio Free Europe Radio Liberty

The Twit Formerly Known as Twitter

Anton Geraschekno Ukrainian patriot, Twitter, in English
Chuck Pfarrar on Twitter

Ukraine Today News site on Wordpress

Ukraine Weapons Tracker on Twitter

Sign at London's Heathrow Aiport
September 26, 2023

Click image to enlarge.

Let's Learn Ukrainian YouTube Channel
100 USEFUL Basic Phrases in Ukrainian
Ukrainian Alphabet Part 1
Ukrainian Alphabet Part 2

Ukrainian Alphabet Wikipedia page


Ukrainian alphabet by position in alphabet
Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Uppercase А Б В Г Ґ Д Е Є Ж З И
Lowercase а б в г ґ д е є ж з и
Transliteration a b v h g d e ye,ie zh z y
Position 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Uppercase І Ї Й К Л М Н О П Р С
Lowercase і ї й к л м н о п р с
Transliteration i y y,i k l m n o p r s
Position 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
Uppercase Т У Ф Х Ц Ч Ш Щ Ь Ю Я
Lowercase т у ф х ц ч ш щ ь ю я
Transliteration t u f kh ts ch sh shch ' yu ya

Ukrainian Language Channels

21 Languages See Ukrainian playlist
Let's Learn Ukrainian
Speak Ukrainian
Ukrainian Language

Transliterate Ukrainian to Latin

Telegram Channels

Батальон «Монако» Battalion "Monaco" (NSFK, spammy)
Ищи своих Look for your
Політика України Politics of Ukraine
Sky Over Ukraine Public
Мировая Война 18 ✙ World War (18+, grue)

Click image to enlarge.

Maps, Ports, Geography

Ukrainian Black Sea Ports on Marine Traffic
Port of Odesa on Vesselfinder

Territories in Rebellion against Moscow (Map)

Great Circle Distance Calculator on Map
  The question of distance between points comes up surprisingly often.

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.   We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream.   It must be fought for, protected and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”

Ronald Reagan
October 27, 1964

Who is still doing business in Russia?

Leave Russia web site
    May require some third-party fact-checking.

Now is the time.

Enemy of the Entire World

Tracking Russian Interference to Derail Democracy in Africa
    Africa Center for Strategic Studies

The Siberian Revolution Why Siberians Want to Secede
    Another step toward the end of five hundred years of pure evil

You are welcome and encouraged to copy and distribute this graphic.

Державний Гімн України Білоцерківська Школа мистецтв №5 імСергія Томащука
    Ukrainian National Anthem Bilotserkiv School of Arts No. 5 named after Serhiy Tomaschuk

Ukraine National Athem Prounciation Guide

Ukrainian National Anthem/The translation of it Speak Ukranian
    April 14, 2022

Ukraine National Anthem Romanization

Šhčhe ne vmerla Ukrajiny. Ni slava, ni vola.
Šhčhe nam, brattia Ukrajinstsi, usmihnet́sia dolia.
Zhynut́ našhi vorožeńky, yak rosa na sontsi,
Zapanujem i my, brattia, u svojij storontsi.
||: Dušhju j tilo my položym za našu svobodu,
I pokažem, ščho my, brattia, kozaćkoho rodu. :||

Коломийка про москалів
    Kolomiyka about Muscovites
    Click for lyrics in English

Гей, Соколи (Hey, Sokoly)
    Hey Sokoly (Hey Falcons) is Polish folksong about a Cossack in Poland who misses his Ukrainian girl.
    Hey Sokoly lyrics in English (Plain text; opens in new window.)
    Hej Sokoly - Maciej Kamieński
    Hej Sokoły - "Ogniem i Mieczem"
    Amazing period costumes and scenes from the 1999 Polish historical drama film "Ogniem i Mieczem" (Fire and Sword).
    Hej, sokoły! Polish, English subtitles
    Hej Sokoły (Zal za Ukraina), The Dreadnouhgts Loud! Sung in Ukrainian and English
    Гей, Соколи! / Hej, sokoły! – Ukrainian/Polish folk song by Eileen
    Hej, sokoły! Cossacks. Hej, sokoly / Гей соколи 2022 Cossacks are an all-male a capella sextet.
    Hej Sokoły Song, All The Versions that [Ezzran] Found 24 versions in 9 languages. Play time 1:22:47
    Pikkardiyska Tertsiya Hej, sokoly! General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

    "Hej Sokoly" is also used as background music in the 1999 film, Ogniem i Mieczem Fire & Sword

Henryk Sienkiewicz's trilogy of period novels:
    With Fire and Sword (1884)
    The Deluge (1886)
    Pan Wołodyjowski (1888)

Козацькому роду Нема переводу
    There is no translation for the Cossack race

Артистка KATAPULTA Art Music School ЄСЄНІЯ Сєлєзньова

    Yesenia Seleznyova singing at the Ukrainian 30th Independence Day Parade on 24 August 2021.
    On 24 February 2022, Russia's brutal, criminal, senseless invasion of Ukraine began.

    The song she performs so beautifully is
    "Ukraine" by Taras Petrynenko.
    I believe it is the final track on his 1989 album,
    Тарас Петриненко Та Гурт «Гроно»* – Я Професiйний Раб.
    (Taras Petrynenko and the band "Grono"* - I am a professional slave.)

   The Whole 2½ hour parade
    24 August 2021. No subtitles.

День Незалежності України. 24.08.2022 Katapulta Art Music School
День Незалежності України. 24.08.2022 Florin Mitriş
    Yesenia Seleznyova, one year later, on Ukraine Independence Day, 24 August 2022.
    Katapulta Art Music School

One Kalina (Одна калина) Zhenya Otradnaya (Женя Отрадная Одна калина)
    From happier times: Just four years ago, a Russian singer could sing a Ukrainian song, in Ukrainian, without getting shot.

A Collection of Ukrainian Folk Songs Кращі Українські пісні
    1. Varvara thistle blooms at 00:00
    2. Galya carries water Trio Marenich 04:04
    3. Oh in the cherry orchard 07:48
    4. At the valley of viburnum bushes, Gurt Express 11:13
    5. Boys unharness the horses Band Express 15:38
    6. Somewhere the Crying Guitar played by the Express Band 20:30
    7. Green rye is green Inna Knyzhnyk 25:09
    8. Smereka Volodymyr Izhytskyi 27:57
    9. Deceived, let down Gurt Express 32:08
    10. Green leaves, white chestnuts Group Express 35:28

Ukrainian patriotic march first published in 1875 by Volodymyr Antonovych and Mykhailo Drahomanov. The modern version was written by the composer Stepan Charnetsky in 1914, in honor of the Sich Riflemen of the First World War. The song was later adopted by the Ukrainian People's Army of the Ukrainian War of Independence against the Soviet Union.

Scroll down for lyrics in Ukrainian followed by English translation.

Ой, у лузі червона калина - військовий оркестр 406-ї ОАБР ім.генерал-хорунжого О.Алмазова
    Oh, there is a red viburnum in the meadow - the military band of the 406th OABR named after Colonel-General O. Almazov

Ой, у лузі червона калина. Ukrainian patriotic folk song
    Cover by Ukrainian singer "Eileen" with English translation of lyrics, 3 verses.

Ой у лузі червона калин The Kiffness, Army Remix
    Oh, the Red Viburnum in the Meadow Oi u luzi chervona kalyna

ОЙ У ЛУЗІ ЧЕРВОНА КАЛИНА - пісня Січових Стрільців Full 1914 Version, Ukrainian
    Ой у лузі червона калин Full 1914 Version, with English subtitles

    This war has been going on for more than a century! Russia has never been weaker and the rest of the world has never been stronger. Now is the time to end the evil, once and for all time.

Ukrainian Patriotic Song - Oh, the Red Viburnum in the Meadow (1914)
    Anthem Hub
Oi u luzi chervona kalyna Wikipedia Article

Hey Hey Rise Up Pink Floyd (feat. Andriy Khlyvnyuk of Boombox)
    Pink Floyd adaptation of Oh, the Red Viburnum in the Meadow Oi u luzi chervona kalyna (2022)

Red Viburnum | Oi u luzi chervona kalyna | Learn how to sing Ukrainian patriotic folk song Mariya
    February 5, 2023

High-Energy Version by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
    May 7, 2022

Ukrainian song "Oi u luzi chervona kalyna" | Opera singers at Žalgiris arena
Powerful presentation by the Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theatre
    July 15, 2022

Servant of the People

Starring Volodymyr Zelenskyy

Servant of the People Season 1 Play List
    English Translation
Servant of the People Season 1 Play List
    in Ukrainian

See the note below the list of episodes for what to do about missing English subtitles.

Servant of the People s1e1 and s1e2
Servant of the People s1e3
Servant of the People s1e4 ◌ (missing subtitles)

Servant of the People s1e5
Servant of the People s1e6
Servant of the People s1e7 ◌ (missing subtitles)
Servant of the People s1e8

Servant of the People s1e9
Servant of the People s1e10
Servant of the People s1e11 ◌ (missing subtitles)
Servant of the People s1e12

Servant of the People s1e13
Servant of the People s1e14 ◌ (missing subtitles)
Servant of the People s1e15 ◌ (missing subtitles)
Servant of the People s1e16

Servant of the People s1e17
Servant of the People s1e18
Servant of the People s1e19
Servant of the People s1e20

Servant of the People s1e21
Servant of the People s1e22
Servant of the People s1e23

If English subtitles are missing or stop working while viewing the episode, try this:
    1. Make sure "CC" is turned on for subtitles.
    2. Change Settings > Subtitles to Russian
    3. Settings > Subtitles --> Autotranslate and select English

Servant of the People Season 2 Play List
    English Translation
Servant of the People Season 2 Play List
    in Ukrainian

See the note below the list of season 1 episodes for what to do about missing English subtitles.

Servant of the People s2e1 and s2e2 ◌ (missing subtitles)
Servant of the People s2e3
Servant of the People s2e4

Servant of the People s2e5
Servant of the People s2e6
Servant of the People s2e7
Servant of the People s2e8

Servant of the People s2e9
Servant of the People s2e10
Servant of the People s2e11
Servant of the People s2e12

Servant of the People s2e13
Servant of the People s2e14
Servant of the People s2e15
Servant of the People s2e16

Servant of the People s2e17
Servant of the People s2e18
Servant of the People s2e19
Servant of the People s2e20

Servant of the People s2e21
Servant of the People s2e22
Servant of the People s2e23
Servant of the People s2e24

All three episodes of Servant of the People
are in one long video on YouTube.

Servant of the People s3e1-3 2:39:58

Servant of the People is a Ukrainian political comedy series produced by Kvartal 95 from 2015 to 2019. It starred Volodymyr Zelenskyy in the role of the corruption-fighting president of Ukraine. The show was produced in the Russian language.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy ran for president, for real, under the banner of the "Servant of the People" party in 2019 and won. He has served as president since 20 May 2019.

Note that as long as Russia occupies part of Ukraine, the country's constitution disallows holding a presidential election, because a national election held now would disenfranchise all the people in the illegally occupied territories.

So in addition to delaying Ukraine's entry into NATO, Putin's criminal invasion of Ukraine means that he has to deal with his nemesis Volodymyr Zelenskyy as president of Ukraine for as long as the Muscovites occupy part of its sovereign territory.


Lyrics here.
(See above for links to videos.)

Ой у лузі червона калина похилилася,
Oy u luzi chervona kalyna pokhylylasya,

Чогось наша славна Україна зажурилася.
Chohos nasha slavna Ukraina zazhurylasya.

А ми тую червону калину підіймемо,
A my tuyu chervonu kalynu pidiymemo,

А ми нашу славну Україну, гей-гей, розвеселимо!
A my nashu slavnu Ukrainu, hei-hei, rozveselymo!

А ми тую червону калину підіймемо,
A my tuyu chervonu kalynu pidiymemo,

А ми нашу славну Україну, гей-гей, розвеселимо!
A my nashu slavnu Ukrainu, hei-hei, rozveselymo!

English transation

In the meadow, there a red kalyna, has bent down low ,
For some reason, our glorious Ukraine, has been worried so.
And we’ll take that red kalyna and we will raise it up,
And we, our glorious Ukraine, shall, hey – hey, cheer up – and rejoice!
And we’ll take that red kalyna and we will raise it up,
And we, our glorious Ukraine, shall, hey – hey, cheer up – and rejoice!

Marching forward, our fellow volunteers, into a bloody fray,
For to free, our brother – Ukrainians, from hostile chains.
And we, our brother – Ukrainians, we will then liberate,
And we, our glorious Ukraine, shall, hey – hey, cheer up – and rejoice!
And we, our brother – Ukrainians, we will then liberate,
And we, our glorious Ukraine, shall, hey – hey, cheer up – and rejoice!

Servant of a Nation
Servant of the People 2

Feature film based on the televsion series

    English Subtitled
Servant of a Nation 2